Thread: WOD/Pre-patch
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12-06-14, 02:22 AM   #605
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by Rythal View Post
- Map API I introduced in 5.4.x has been fixed so it now works with what Wholly wanted to do. Eliminates errors when using wholly and grail and his map icons now show on carbonite's maps.
Holy shit I love you. Recently got this mod, never actually expected it to work with Carbonite, I've just been pressing alt-M for directions.

Great progress.

EDIT: Woah, I just logged in and all the quest icons (!) in my garrison are moving whenever I move. Probably happening everywhere else too.

They're also where they're meant to be, but there's doubles, and the doubles move.

EDIT2: Ok tabbed back in and there's double doubles...

Also there are no quests where the non moving ! are, no idea what's going on.

EDIT3: It's getting worse D: See the images below.

EDIT4: Ok figured out what duplicates them, whenever the map changes from in that 'special location' type back to normal and back again, it puts a copy down. Easy repro steps, zoom out then brush mouse back and forth over garrison and out so it keeps showing the special map, do it while running and let the map move around a bit.

Still can't explain why it says I have the quests when there are none to get. I think that's actually a Wholly issue.

EDIT5: It is Wholly showing the quests when there are none. But the marker duplicating is definitely Carbonite.

EDIT6: Also if you bring up Wholly and click on a quest it sends a destination point to some place in the middle of the ocean east of Kalimdor. I assume it's meant to point to the quest pick up. Tried several different quests including ones in old expansions.

EDIT7: Can't reproduce the duplicating bug in Orgrimmer where I have some !s. Might be related to the fact that the quests showing in my garrison are bugged in Wholly - I can't actually obtain them, eg. "Your first Blacksmithing work order", I don't even have a black smithing building.

Last edited by Ghosthree3 : 12-06-14 at 03:02 AM.