Thread: WOD/Pre-patch
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12-21-14, 02:57 PM   #957
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally Posted by Rythal View Post
Did the change, went into EoTS and the map works (for me... still getting frustrated by reports they don't work when I can't seem to have them not work lol), but it's still saying 482 for me.... I'll push it to GIT so people can try it.
Would it help if i told you it was a Rated Battle Ground? Maybe they have moved the Rated zones to a new map set? idk i do know that Deep Wind Gorge random map does not work and also the Battle for Gilneas map in the Random fashion at least. I saw a few of the maps last night when that occured and all of the rest of them worked for me. I'll be playing again this evening and will let you know how the new push you did works out for me. Thanks as always for busting your ass in your free time for us!
I, dont have a problem with what you're saying, But, I'm pretty sure my Doom Guard will have something to say about it.