Thread: TBC UI Changes
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10-08-06, 03:20 AM   #20
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 12
Originally Posted by Beladona
If you read all of the blue posts on this matter you would know that one of the driving factors in the decision to remove decursive like automation, was to allow designers the freedom to design encounters based on BASE ui capabilities. Many of the encounters that you are used to now are based on the fact that people DO use decursive type addons, which meant that encounters needed to be hard enough that people with decursive weren't overpowering to the encounter. Obviously this created a self-propagated issue, as making encounters harder only drove more people to use devursive to keep up.

With this change I would suggest and be willing to bet that encounters will begin being easier, and existing difficult encounters will get scaled back to suit this change. Trust me when I say that Blizz DOES have people who test these encounters, and being able to scale them to the level of player skill is IMPORTANT in their design decisions.

This change merely means that people can play the game, and do well at it based on thier OWN skill, not the skill of an addon that does it for them. That was one of my biggest problem with decursive, in that it made people STUPID when it comes to debuffing / cleansing. When I hear someone say "I don't know what to cast to get rid of that curse, and I haven't loaded decursive yet since I got this new computer" I am forced to ask "What the heck are you doing in my raid?". Let's face it, I would rather have someone that can play the game unassisted by addons (regardless if they actually use any) than someone who needs them to be able to do their job.

The point of addons are to enhance your experience in World of Warcraft. Not to give you an advantage over another player who doesn't have the same addon. I know this is not purely black and white, and there will still be addons that give some players a slight edge, but the point of this change is that those addons will now be presenting YOU with the information you need to PLAY THE GAME YOURSELF. It will be up to you to actually take the next step from information to actual performance...
Lucifron and geddon where designed before decursive.. they are the impetus for decursive's creation.. nice try to justify however.. now lets move on to reality?

Fact: wow players as a general rule suck.. they can barely tie their own shoes, can't unzip a file to save their own lives, and yet we are expected to rely on them to manually heal/remove debuffs..

Debuffs which you cannot even warn the healers exist if you follow the logical conclusions of this retarded set of "lets piss off the mod authors/users" drivel by slouken

You like how your current unit frame changes in combat to show debuffs? too bad you are **** out of luck, thats illegal under this system.. you like SCT? too bad its gone as well.. click casting your cup of tea? fat chance since you cant hook the default frames for it without making an insecure mod.. and 3rd party frames are removed by this set of changes (along with 3rd party action bar utility)

And yet we have mod authors rolling over and defending this crap, knowing full well that this decision is completely retarded and will be rolled back to something more "socially acceptable" ala SOE

Announce youa re breaking all mods, then give them back 1 thing and they will think you are their best friends..

Frankly the response to these changes from unitbar/actionbar/healing mod authors has been pathetic at its best, and downright ludicrous at its worst... (ala tueller post above defending it.. from the POV of a non casting class.. we shall see how he likes not being able to change action bars , have updated unit frames, etc and .. basically how much everyone will enjoy dying for no good reason on content that has been largely beaten to a pulp for 2 years now)
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