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06-27-17, 10:22 AM   #1
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 5
Changes for changes' sake

I'm sorry. I know literally all of my posts thus far have been to complain about something or ask for help. I don't want it to be that way. I also recognize the author's right to craft RealUI however they see fit to do so. You're welcome to tell me to stuff it; I just have to ask this question.

Is there a particular reason why every recent new build of RealUI has some obvious visual change that seemingly no one asked for? Last time it was player/target frames being huge. The time before that it was the gutting of timers. This time it's fonts that actually have a negative effect on the conveyance of information through the UI. I'm not updating today because I don't want to yet again sift through RealUI's gigantic array of options to find the thing that lets me go back to playing what worked just fine to begin with. I'd rather live with Lua error vomit in my chat box.

I don't want you to change your creation at the whims of users who voluntarily install your work. I just want to understand why you feel the need to make these changes, if that isn't asking too much?
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