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11-04-06, 01:31 AM   #42
Credendo Vides
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Originally Posted by Tekkub
What clad is trying to say is, if all you've done is picked up an abandoned or broken mod, tweaked it until it worked, and republished it as your own, that really doesn't count. It takes very little effort to fix an abandoned mod, I've done it myself many times. WoWI and Blizzard are trying to get authors in that have a legitimate reason to be in the beta... to get their mods working for the new API.

Simply put, repairing Decursive so that you can get in the beta and play before everyone else does isn't fair. Earn it (and contribute to the community) by providing something different.
Indeed. I know folks want to see the expansion, but please don't spoil this for everyone. If people take unfair advantage of this opportunity, Blizzard will be less inclined to make such an opportunity available in the future.

We (WoWI) are doing what we can to weed out anything that is complete crap, and we have had to (unfortunately) ban a few people from the site because they uploaded someone else's mod just so they could get a key, but the sheer number of mods and emails and PMs and and and ... we're swamped, and some stuff may be slipping through.

I am appealing to people to be decent here. We want to be able to do this again in the future. If Blizzard feels that this was just a waste, they won't offer it again. For sake of the community, for sake of being able to have the mods you love work when the expansion goes live, please be reasonable.
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