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12-19-18, 03:47 AM   #223
A Pyroguard Emberseer
myrroddin's Avatar
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 1,246
I'm finally working on the Argent Tournament quests on my Demon Hunter. You know, from Icecrown..

Anyway, one of the daily champion quests named Get Kraken! has you fly out on a gryphon and throw spears at kraken and other bad guys. This causes an error with InFlight.
Lua Code:
  1. 2x InFlight\InFlight-8.0.006.lua:481: attempt to index local 'tb' (a nil value)
  2. InFlight\InFlight-8.0.006.lua:481: in function `InitSource'
  3. InFlight_Load\InFlight_Load-8.0.006.lua:36: in function `TAXIMAP_OPENED'
  4. InFlight\InFlight-8.0.006.lua:542: in function `StartMiscFlight'
  5. InFlight_Load\InFlight_Load-8.0.006.lua:244: in function <InFlight_Load\InFlight_Load.lua:221>
  6. [C]: in function `GossipTitleButton_OnClick'
  7. [string "*:OnClick"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>
  9. Locals:
  10. self = InFlight {
  11.  0 = <userdata>
  12.  debug = false
  13.  ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @InFlight_Load\InFlight_Load.lua:16
  14.  PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:674
  15.  PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:678
  16.  Print = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:296
  17.  UpdateLook = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:702
  18.  PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:682
  19.  ShowOptions = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:807
  20.  InitSource = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:466
  21.  StartMiscFlight = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:540
  22.  PrintD = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:303
  23.  StartTimer = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:494
  24.  TAXIMAP_OPENED = <function> defined @InFlight_Load\InFlight_Load.lua:31
  25.  SetLayout = <function> defined @InFlight\InFlight.lua:769
  26. }
  27. isTaxiMap = false
  28. tb = nil
  29. (*temporary) = nil
  30. (*temporary) = nil
  31. (*temporary) = nil
  32. (*temporary) = nil
  33. (*temporary) = nil
  34. (*temporary) = nil
  35. (*temporary) = nil
  36. (*temporary) = nil
  37. (*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'tb' (a nil value)"
  38. NumTaxiNodes = <function> defined =[C]:-1
  39. _G = <table> {
  40.  ERR_OUT_OF_CHI = "Not enough chi"
  41.  DH_HAVOC_CORE_ABILITY_2 = "Strong melee attack that consumes Fury. If it critical strikes, some Fury is refunded."
  42.  AllTheThings-Enable All "No Chance"Text = AllTheThings-Enable All "No Chance"Text {
  43.  }
  44.  GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = <function> defined =[C]:-1
  45.  UNIT_NAMES_COMBATLOG_TOOLTIP = "Color unit names."
  46.  AchievementFrameStatsBG = AchievementFrameStatsBG {
  47.  }
  48.  SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = <function> defined =[C]:-1
  50.  EventTraceFrameButton7HideButton = EventTraceFrameButton7HideButton {
  51.  }
  52.  SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_71 = "This partygoer wants to dance with you."
  54.  ZygorGuidesViewerFrame_Step13_Line4Back_white2green = ZygorGuidesViewerFrame_Step13_Line4Back_white2green {
  55.  }
  56.  CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameHealthTextDropdownButtonNormalTexture = CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameHealthTextDropdownButtonNormalTexture {
  57.  }
  58.  InspectFrameTab1HighlightTexture = InspectFrameTab1HighlightTexture {
  59.  }
  60.  PawnItemComparer = <function> defined @Pawn\Pawn.lua:3468
  61.  MultiBarLeftButton7 = MultiBarLeftButton7 {
  62.  }
  63.  InterfaceOptionsNamesPanelUnitNameplatesShowAll = InterfaceOptionsNamesPanelUnitNameplatesShowAll {
  64.  }
  65.  AchievementFrameSummaryAchievement3Shield = AchievementFrameSummaryAchievement3Shield {
  66.  }
  68.  MerchantItem5AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text = MerchantItem5AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text {
  69.  }
  70.  BINDING_NAME_NAMEPLATES = "Show Enemy Name Plates"
  71.  INSTANCE_UNAVAILABLE_OTHER_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED = "%s cannot enter. This instance is temporarily disabled."
  72.  MultiBarBottomRightButton8Shine5 = MultiBarBottomRightButton8Shine5 {
  73.  }
  74.  IsReferAFriendLinked = <function> defined =[C]:-1
  75.  Overachiever_SearchFrameContainerButton1TabardBackground = Overachiever_SearchFrameContainerButton1TabardBackground {
  76.  }
  77.  UnitFrameManaBar_UnregisterDefaultEvents = <function> defined @FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:794
  78.  PaperDollTitlesPaneButton16BgTop = PaperDollTitlesPaneButton16BgTop {
  79.  }
  80.  InspectModelFrameControlFrameZoomInButtonBg = InspectModelFrameControlFrameZoomInButtonBg {
  81.  }
  82.  CALENDAR_RAID_RESET_DESCRIPTION = "%1$s resets at %2$s."
  83.  HasZoneAbility = <function> defined @FrameXML\ZoneAbility.lua:157
  84.  ChatFrame6EditBoxFocusMid = ChatFrame6EditBoxFocusMid {
  85.  }
  86.  com_mithrandir_whollyQuestInfoBuggedFrameText = com_mithrandir_whollyQuestInfoBuggedFrameText {
  87.  }
  89.  ElvUI_Bar5Button12Shine7 = ElvUI_Bar5Button12Shine7 {
  90.  }
  91.  CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameHiddenModeToggleTopRight = CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameHiddenModeToggleT
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