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11-13-06, 02:48 PM   #3
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 22
I was concerned about the changes for a while, but recently I completely changed my UI to include only mods that were likely to still be active and working in TBC.

I've found that it is really not that difficult. Click-casting will still be in effect, we will just have to manually select which ranks of heals we want to use. The hardest part about that is remembering where each spell and rank is keybound to.
The reason I made the switch now, is so I can give myself plenty of time to adjust to the changes now and not have to pack it all in at once when TBC releases. I get more comfortable with it each day, and by the time the expansion comes out, I expect it will be second nature to me again.

The only problem is that keybindings are very limited (and will be even more limited with new spells and talents in TBC) so we aren't able to bind every rank of every spell, so it is up to the healer to determine which spells and ranks they want to bind based on mana and cost, gear, cast time, etc.
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