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02-04-22, 07:59 AM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Feb 2022
Posts: 12
Trying to make addon to export WoW Statistics

I currently manually input all my Achievements > Statistics into spreadsheets once every few months and doing it on multiple characters is a massive chore.

I have programming background in vb6,, java, html, css. I followed the simple starter guides to create an addon and launch a popup window in game.

Then I hit a wall. My gut feeling is WoW has broken, or no API for what I am trying to do. I would love to be proven wrong though!

I launched wow with -console and exported their UI code. I searched through the BlizzardInterfaceCode (specifically the files Blizzard_AchievementUI and Blizzard_APIDocumentation) to no avail.

If you are in game and press Y to bring up Achievements, then click on Statistics at the bottom right, this is the information I would love to export as Comma Seperated Values, or be able to work with the information within the addon to display account wide statistics (aware this would require logging into each alt at least once).

I mainly started this venture as I wanted to consolidate all my battleground and arena statistics to see my win rates per character, my kill death ratio per character & overall. I currently do this by manually inputting every single statistics from the Player vs PLayer section into a spread sheet, which then runs a tonne of formulas and graphs etc to show me that my hunter is 3 kills per death, my dk is 1 kill per death, my warrior is my top flag carrier, etc...

I even tried some getStatistic API stuff within game and noticed this seems to give a STRING value such as false593 with 593 being the value of the specific statistic i found on an api website (but that website is out of date, it still shows the api calls for the things in the Statistics>Character>Combat that got remove a couple patches ago).

Having hit deadends with looking at WoW's code and not finding an addon to do this, as a last resort I figured i'd come ask some experts:

Can this be done? I am willing to put in some work to make the addon but with no working API and no real lua experience im very stuck.
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