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05-11-22, 05:12 PM   #1
A Molten Giant
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 522
Can wowup get addons from wowinterface?

Let me preface this by saying I would be happy to pay money to have a site do all this for me. Call it an anti-rewards program. I don't want money for posting my addons. I want to give other people money to maximize what limited time I have making addons and minimize my time dealing with posting them to as wide an audience as possible; if wowinterface is considering any new business model around that.

That said, can wowup get addons from wowinterface without entering a URL in the app?

This thread from a few months ago suggests no:

But the app has a checkbox for wowinterface that suggests yes:

But my addons aren't showing up which suggests no:

But I can see others from wowinterface which suggests yes:

I have seemingly used the api successfully:
curl -H "x-api-token:<my token>" -F "id=21993" -F "version=3.1.7" -F "compatible=9.2.0" -F "updatefile=@/mnt/c/users/public/games/world of warcraft/_retail_/interface/addons/"
But it remains unknown (second screenshot above; downgraded to an earlier version to see if it'd pick up a new version). Is wowup supported by wowinterface; and if so what secret sauce am I missing?
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