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12-11-22, 03:53 PM   #8
I did that?
Fizzlemizz's Avatar
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 1,903
A /reload or logout/on are required for any new code to "activate".

Only the .toc file needs to be the same name as the folder it is in. Files listed in the .toc can have whatever names work for you. They can also be in sub-folders and listed in the .toc as:

Only .lua and .xml files need to be listed in the .toc (or in an xml file that is included in the .toc).

Textures, sounds, fonts etc. used in the addon should be under the addon folder (sub-folder(s) again is fine) but not in the .toc as they will be referenced in code by their relative path.

Basic ## entries you shoud include in your .toc are:

## Interface: 100002 -- The curent .toc version of the game client you are targting (retail, classic-era, wrath)
## Title: Fizz -- The addon title to show up in the Addons list
## Author: Fizzlemizz -- You
## Version: 10.0.0 -- The version of your addon
## Notes: Extra Fizz for my UI -- Display in a tooltip when you mouseover addons in the list
## SavedVariables: FIZZ_DATA -- If you are saving information for use between session [available to all you characters]
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: FIZZ_CHAR_DATA -- As above but information is only available to the currently logged on character.
XML is not a requirement other than for inheriting as secure templates. You can create entire frame structures in lua. Neither is "better" so use what you feel most comfortable with (debugging lua generated frames is probably still a little better than xml but ...)

I'm also no a great user of libraries so I can't I can't help much there either.
Maintainer of Discord Unit Frames and Discord Art.
Author of FauxMazzle, FauxMazzleHUD and Move Pad Plus.
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