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07-18-23, 07:43 AM   #1
nUI Maintainer
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New Wrath Classic Binding Error for addons ?

I last updated nUI for Wrath Classic at stage of wow's version. And have just now received an error when checking on a bug report from someone.

1x ...aceBlizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.lua:156: attempt to index field 'key1Button' (a nil value)
[string "@Blizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.lua"]:156: in function `KeyBindingFrame_LoadKeyBindingButtons'
[string "@Blizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.lua"]:64: in function <...aceBlizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.lua:59>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `LoadAddOn'
[string "@nUI/Integration/nUI_KeyBinding.lua"]:45: in function <nUI/Integration/nUI_KeyBinding.lua:41>
The Error is then followed by the following xml errors
8x Blizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.xml:4 Deferred XML Node object named KeyBindingFrameBindingButtonTemplate already exists

8x Blizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.xml:27 Deferred XML Node object named KeyBindingFrameBindingButtonTemplateWithLabel already exists

8x Blizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.xml:38 Deferred XML Node object named KeyBindingFrameBindingTemplate already exists
Now looking at nUI's line 45 all it has is this:
LoadAddOn( "Blizzard_BindingUI" )

And then proceeds to make nUI's keybinding frame that hasn't had a change since I took over outside of the backdrop changes.

But the error doesn't occur when I don't have nUI running and then open the blizzard keybindings section in the options screen. Nor when I open the blizzard keybindings section with nUI running after the error is triggered.

If I comment out the LoadAddOn line, the error goes away but .. nUI's keybinding doesn't work.

Anyone seeing this error in their addons or have an idea on what they might have changed between 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 to cause the error to appear?

Thanks in Advance

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