Thread: MazzleUI
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11-30-06, 01:53 PM   #270
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 6
Coupl'a questions


First as I have said twice before...this UI is a rock star.

Second, those that don't like the Mazzlegasm....dont' use the UI. Basically, if you don't like it unload it. If you don't want to do that, then deal with it and don't complain.

Third, and the point of this...a couple things I wanted to ask about...

1. I am using your advanced Druid Layout, It's putting most of the buttons in there, except for my cure poision and an attack button for Feral forms. If you didn't start attacking in caster form...but that's no big deal...both of them just require that you drag the buttons after you re-mazzify. I can deal with that.

2. I have been getting alot of chat errors while in a party. One error is that my chat window would disappear altogether and the only way to get it back was to log out or reload the UI. The other, I have been getting a specific LUA error, stating that it was looking for a input that was never received. I am at work so I don't have the exact error, but I will post it when I get home.

When/if you update this for the 2.0 patch could you consider adding in support for the cure poison and the auto attacks?

Other than that, this is the greatest UI ever. I soil myself everytime I use it.

one last question: What the hell is xcalc used for?