Thread: ag_unitframes
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12-17-06, 10:39 AM   #45
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 9
I'm also still not getting party pets to show. For my fellow healers waiting for a fix for this issue, I do have a tip. Use the focus target frame, drag it over to join your party frames, and set /focus on the most important pet. You'll have to reacquire the focus target occasionally, but it's better than not being able to see the pet at all.

Also, I had a weird issue with one of my characters. I have two dwarf priests, one level 60, one level 39. The level 60 character, when in a 4- or 5-member group, cannot click-target the 4th person. (Click targeting works fine for the player frame and the 2nd. 3rd, and 5th group members.) The level 39 character does not have this problem - she can click target all group members. I suspect this has something to do with sUnitFrames or oRA2, since these are the only two mods the level 60 has loaded that the level 39 does not. I will try to test this further, but as it requires at least three other patient and cooperative people to join a group and sit around while I mess with my UI, it might take a while.
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