Thread: MazzleGASM FAQ
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02-08-07, 12:26 PM   #2
Non-Canadian Luzer!
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 350
Been trying to convince MazzerUI and my working UI to get's an uphill battle (I'm not even getting into the Bongos issue...finally gets written to work well with bar configurations but has the "you will align yourself MY way" built in, grrr -- even though I figured out how to work around it (size all, then move) I eventually gave up and replaced it so I could get a button layout that worked for me without damage to my bloodpressure). I've managed to patch my way around most of the issues and removed/disabled some of the more annoying mods (which aren't available for disablement in the mazzer ui config panels) and replaced some; however, I've run into a few questions...

1) Is there any way to turn off the insipid /yell when you first configure? Nothing so uncool as having your char /yell in the middle of a packed city something as absurd as that and getting 20 tells to STFU or 'welcome to my ignore list @#$@' *sigh* (No I don't intend to have to run it again but just in case I don't want to have to hide myself into an instance to do it)

2) Is there any way (yes, I'll even mod the .lua) to make the 'border turns red during combat" stop? Please??

3) From reading all the FAQs that don't answer this directly: is there actually any way to stop the mobile 3d? I don't care about resources as much as it's just...annoying. Every time I target a moth I want to scream. Just want to shut off the animation itself, a non-moving 3-d model is just peachy if we have to have the 3d

4) Hotspots in the UI. Love the concept, it's six kinds of brilliant; however, I don't like the mods that are attached to some of them. I gather there's no way to swap that out how those work w/o resorting to modding the .lua (which is fine, it's the price you pay for being picky about your mods) so...where might I go about doing this? (I'll take the responsibility for making it work, I just want to know where it is or if there's any caveats I should be aware of)

Thanks in advance (and for monitoring this rapidly growing thread)