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02-10-07, 07:39 PM   #149
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 36
I'm going to try to explain this to you in the best way I can.

My action bar's bindings are switched all around on my hunter layout atm, can't check others as I am in karazhan with my guild. I am having to click as my skills are entirely borked. I can get a screenshot up later but not right now as pertaining to my aforementioned reason. My aspect bar has aspect of the monkey as alt 3, nothing for hawk, f6 for cheetah, nothing for the rest. Nothing for hunters mark, f2 for steady shot, f3 for arcane shot, 1 for conc shot, 2 for multi, 3 for aimed 4 for dist.

I am thinking it is a bongos error.

edit: f isn't changing pages either, it is assisting.

Thank you for your time.

* Your aspect ratio or resolution: 1280x1024
* Class, level, race hunter, 70, orc
* Which button layout you chose (if it has to do with buttons): maz's hunter layout
* Any extra add-ons you may be using: n/a
* A screenshot, if applicable: later

Last edited by trickdaemon : 02-10-07 at 07:45 PM.