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02-12-07, 12:52 AM   #1
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Font quick Guide for MazzleUI

This is a quick guide to changing fonts without having to touch any of the .lua files. This guide can also be found in the ClearFont download section.

If you would like to do the more "difficult" way, you can look for it on page 2 of this thread or simply Click Here by Seerah

There are a lot of different type of fonts out there, you can even pick yours from the Start>>Control Panel>>Fonts. Or you can download a set of fonts provided by the author of ClearFont2: ClearFont Extra Fonts Pack
  • Screenshot of doing the quick, easy way: Vera Fonts and Segoe Fonts
    - This is using smallest font size setting in Mazzify, very easy to read for low resolution users at font size 12-13
===>The Steps
  • Create a backup folder in the Interface\Addons\ClearFont2\Fonts of your Calibri_v1
  • Copy and paste your fonts (regular, bold, italic, and bolditalic) into the Calibri_v1 folder
  • In there you will see Calibri.ttf, CalibriBold.ttf, CalibriBoldItalic.ttf, and CalibriItalic.ttf
  • Replace your fonts to exactly what those file names above (just copy the name of those files and delete them then paste the names over to your font files)
  • And that's all to it, "the infamous way"

===>What The Files Are
  • Calibri.ttf is for your general chat text
    - Chatbox Frame/CombatChat Frame
  • CalibriBrold.ttf is for your title text
    - Tooltip: an Item name
    - Quest title and Quest objectives
    - Any addon's title (e.g: Fubar plugins' title [if you mouseover])
  • CalibriBolItalic.ttf is for your overheard zone title text
    - Zone title (whenever you enter a new zone)
  • CalibriItalic.ttf is for your quest text
    - TextFrame popup whenever you talk to an NPC or reading the QuestLog

  • When using this guide, you should not choose the FontType option in-game because Mazzle took out the Fonts and only leaving the default one. So if you picked a different type, you will likely to crash the game after your 2nd logout. So just ignore that option if you see it in DueceCommand or if it's there on FuBar.
  • I found that the fonts that are easy to read for low resolution users that use small font size are Vera fonts and Abadi MT Condensed which can be found in your system font folder
    - Also, when using Abadi fonts, you may want to change the font size in-game to 15-18 if you want it to be about equal size of other fonts at size 13-14 (this is the small font setting when you mazzify)

Last edited by 123noob : 02-14-07 at 05:09 PM.
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