Thread: MazzleGASM FAQ
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02-16-07, 03:59 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by Psyche_Doomhammer
Mazzle your insistence of not allowing people to turn this off is completely inconsistent with the point of UI Mods. It allows the users to tweak their UI to do what they want, not what someone else wants.
Actually, this statement is false, although I do understand the sentiment behind it. The point of being able to modify the interface that Blizzard provided is as you have stated, but the work done within the LUA framework by the add-on authors is not. By installing an add-on, you are actually allowing other people's work to do what they wanted when they designed their just happens to be congruous with what you also wanted by choosing it. My point is not to fuel the philosophical debate, however, so I'll leave that subject.

Personally, I found the Mazzlegasm to be quite silly and funny, which got a good-natured laugh from more than just me on a few occasions (several in the zone sent me some funny whispers). Being a light-to-moderate RPer, though, it just isn't in-character for any of my WoW representations to yell and such. Instead of an "OMGWTF" responce or even resorting to popping open my editor of choice to alter the UI code (both of which I can easily accomplish), I thought creatively on ways to work around it that I would like to share for those who find Mazzlegasms distasteful, offencive, or just out-of-character for you:

* Hop on a gryphon/windrider (flying mounts do NOT work for this) - You cannot yell or emote while flying, so the actions trigger, but your character is incapable of performing them.
* Pop into an instance by yourself - Stockades works great for Alliance, as does Ragefire Chasm for Horde folks (both located in major cities)...or you could just hop in whatever is nearby. The Mazzifier window can be dragged so that you can see to navigate (or closed and later reopened by typing /mazzify) until you get where you want to be.
* Run waaaay far away from everyone - I've done this on my lower-level alts once or twice, but since I haven't established much of an RP identity with them so I don't care much.
* Mazzify while dead - As stated before, characters are unable to emote or yell while dead. Please be mindful of your gear condition when doing this. If repair bills bother you, unequip your gear first or die in a PvP situation.

My goal in sharing these is not to end the discussion/debate or add anything to either side's argument, but rather to encourage the use of some alternatives for those who love Mazzle's work, yet find the Mazzlegasm to be something that they're not comfortable with for whatever reason. To me, there are more choices than "live with it, uninstall it, or demand that the UI be modified".