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02-20-07, 01:31 PM   #6
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 36
Originally Posted by coniferous
Just for clarification, I'm not a programmer and I'm not speaking on Mazzles behalf. Just a beta tester.

This is simply the impression I've gotten from whats gone on, as such theres very little else i can say about the matter.

Support for mazzle is more the welcome though. God knows he deserves it.
Mazzle has done a magnificent job with this UI. Believe me we all appreciate the hard work and will continue to support you and spread this UI to all our friends.

The complaints about the UI like asking to add/remove/change features is just feedback and should not anger you or deter you from continuing this. People just all have their own views of what they like and dislike, you should just average it out and make changes as you see fit.

The Mazzlegasm thing is no big deal. You can add in all kinds of other humor, I think the only problem was that since it was in a yell it could be considered spam I guess. You know how dumb people are in this game, they attack you for even asking a simple question in yell or general.

Last thing I say is once you make a great UI like this, you should continue it as thousands of us are now using it and DEPENDING on you!!! lol..... if you are in any way considering giving up, I for one say HELL NO!!! You must march forward