Thread: Recipe Book
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06-20-05, 08:07 AM   #17
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 27
Toon with Armorsmith specialization:
Found the following tradeskill specializations: Blacksmithing:Armorsmith.
Toon with both Weaponsmith and Tribal Leatherworking specializations:
Found the following tradeskill specializations: Leatherworking:Leatherworking,Leatherworking:Tribal Leatherworking,Blacksmithing:Weaponsmith.

That looks a bit odd to me, but I think I'm getting the hang of your chosen use of the colon and this translates as
  • Leatherworking:Leatherworking (regular)
  • Leatherworking:Tribal Leatherworking (the specialization)
  • Blacksmithing:Weaponsmith

If I have this correct, my only observation is that Blacksmithing doesn't seem to behave the same way Leatherworking does (only the specialization is shown)
Toon with Dragonscale Leatherworking:
Found the following tradeskill specializations: Leatherworking:Dragonscale Leatherworking,Leatherworking:Leatherworking.
Toon with Elemental Leatherworking:
Found the following tradeskill specializations: Leatherworking:Leatherworking.

Oops, he's only level 38 ... but he has a full rest bonus! Time to play him today and then go visit the Elemental Leatherworking trainer...

On a side note, he does also have the "Poisons" skill (which manifests as both a skill and a spell) but I don't know that there are any recipes that require Poisons, I believe they're all trainer-taught
Toon with Goblin Engineering:
Found the following tradeskill specializations: Engineering:Engineering.

Oops, he's only level 25 ... but he only needs 35 to specialize. Time to play him after the rogue learns Elemental...
Toon with no tradeskill specializations:
Found the following tradeskill specializations: None.
On Shadoweave Tailoring:
A number of "professions" threads on the WOW forums list "Shadoweave Tailoring" as a separate skill. It's not. The Shadoweave Tailor trainer in Stormwind's warlock guildhall will seemingly teach anyone the Shadoweave recipes.

Thottbot shows only one Pattern, and its only requirement is Tailoring(245). My 'lock has no such abilty anywhere in his spellbook, so that further corraborates that hypothesis.

At this point, I am unaware of any specializations available for tailoring.
On a logisitcs note, I'm in Pacific time zone ... your posts seem to show up in the middle of the night for me, so I expect this one will be the middle of the night for you. I'll keep checking back though.
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