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02-26-07, 01:56 PM   #9
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 5

Your post made me realize that I was looking at this whole argument from only my perspective: I knew the item was in the mod when I downloaded it. I'm guessing most people are arguing this from the perspective that it is wrong given the user does not know the mod is going to make their character do something they didn't expect. If you download a mod with full understanding of what is going to happen you can't complain about it. On the other hand, if it does more than the developer stated and it is something debatable, complaints are understandable.


Given your logic, any software that does not have a commercial purpose would not exist. For the most part, software is created with the intention of making money off it, particularly games. If they couldn’t charge the home user they wouldn’t make it. This wouldn’t even work for programs used by commercial entities because the developers would just up the charge to make the same profit and that additional cost would be born by the end consumer, which is your typical home user. As for Blizzard rewarding addon developers, I think your analogy is a little off. The video people need people to supply the videos (their content) whereas Blizzard does not need the addon developers to supply theirs. The game exists and most people buy it without any expectations of addons. However, I do like the way you think and would appreciate a shipment of that “ista” program.
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