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03-14-07, 12:25 PM   #14
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 22
Originally Posted by Mechrior
well i feel a little bit more stupid..... i have no idea what that actually means! lol.

i meant what were the actual changes..... different sorting..... custom listing.....

because to be honest i cant see the difference between his new updated copy of autobar and the mazzle one.
That's the changes that need to be made for Mazzle's version of autobar to be compatible with new versions of PT3, I didn't look at if it was actually different from the version on the Ace svn or not.
Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz

And by older one, you mean older in terms of load order, not older in terms of some sort of internal versioning scheme, right?
Apologies for the lack of clarity, I was still half asleep

Libraries are versioned with 'major' and 'minor' versions.

The major version is the number in the filename -- ie AceHook-2.1. Libraries with different major versions will load alongside each other peacefully.

The minor version is a number that denotes even small changes -- in the case of.. well.. all the ace libraries, it's an SVN revision number.

By older I mean ones with a lower SVN revision number, that number is the key that determines which version of the library gets kept. No matter where it's stored be it embedded, standalone, or anything else, the library that will be in memory once all the addons are loaded will be the one with the highest revision number.

Last edited by Nymbia : 03-14-07 at 12:27 PM.
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