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05-02-07, 10:17 PM   #5
A Molten Giant
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 595
Originally Posted by PathMaster
I have not installed an addon over itself. I actually unzip addons into a separate folder. Then I have both the temp addon folder open as well as the WoW addon folder open then delete whatever i have new copies of. Then I drag the new ones into the regular addon directory.
I'm updating my addons the same way. ^^

In most cases you'll have no problems at all when just overwriting the old files. But sometimes (especially when updating mods not frequently) new features are added to a mod, file structur or whatever has changed, and you need to make a "clean" install (with the old file deleted), but didn't know about, so you would run into problems ingame probabely. So you are just "on the safe side" when deleting the old folders first.
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