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05-21-07, 12:07 AM   #1348
Premium Member
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3

Hi Mazzle, I spoke to you the other night. After browsing around for a bit, I wasn't able to locate the post you referred to, but I took a screenshot to further help any troubleshooting.

Edit: As you can see, the black box to the left is the box that is supposed to sit behind the combat log to the right. Also, the trinket and drink/food autobar is to the left.

As I said the 'Press the button to complete the spell' appears for a moment near the top of the screen then disappears. This is at a 1680x1050 resolution. The UI works marvelously on two other accounts and 4 other characters on this same account without any problems.

Any tips would be much appreciated.



-=- JadoJodo -=-
Viral - 70 NE Druid / Maiev
Paralysis - 70 Dwarf Paladin / Maiev
Crytek - 19 Gnome Mage / Bloodscalp

Last edited by JadoJodo : 05-21-07 at 12:18 AM.