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05-23-07, 10:35 PM   #29
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 147
Well heres my two cents on everything after 2.1.

Loaded all the newest versions via WAU (I use the standalone version of everything now, its just easier), so far everything has worked (No test on MonkeyQuest and autoCorpseWaypoint, I killed them long ago, replaced MonkeyQuest with QuestFu).

Mazzified new character with zero problems. I did this with a priest, warrior and paladin I had not previously mazzified.

Now mods I cannot update (MazzleUI goes NUTS if I do update either to newest version, I'm guessing some functions changed etc) are Bongos and rMCP. No idea behind the cause, though both still work fine for me since I knew about Bongos shifting problems ages ago and when I installed Mazzle I bound the keys using Bongos immediately.

Now this is not an error per say but so far the only bad thing that has happened so far is for some reason once in a while my target does not appear. I have something targeted and its there getting blasted, but no info etc. This goes away after combat every time, I'm betting its DUF and the new UI settings in 2.1. Oh I also get SecureTempalte Errors entering BGs but they don't ever seem to mess with anything so I just ignore them as it seems to work fine right after I reload real quick.

Overall if you try and update most of the things will work just fine. Just be smart about your update and you will be fine. I know this is expecting alot sometimes, but hey keeping something as awesome as this mod alive and running on your comp just makes you feel good.

For the haters out there, L2U (Learn to update). Seriously, 90% of the problems can be fixed EASILY and despite what everyone may think, Mazzle owes us nothing. So stop bashing and just move on if you don't like it. All your doing is marginalizing yourselves further by pursuing this hateful approach. Do customers at Pizza places that want burgers sit there going "Make me burgers, cause since you make food you owe it to me." No they don't, they go to the burger place.
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