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05-29-07, 04:29 PM   #8
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 8
Originally Posted by Phanx
You could look at GPSLib over on It is a library whose purpose is to determine coordinates for the player, including inside instances. As far as I know, though, there's no way to get coordinates for a mob other than by standing on top of the mob, or by making a guess based on your position and facing and an estimated distance between you and a mob in front of you.
I was thinking more of for mobs that dont have a definate location I.E (Rare Spawns and Blood Elf Bandits) Say for instance enter an instance click the button and if it returns 0,0 then your rare mob or player isnt there, exit and try again till it returns a coord and you know your rare mob is there. Also in main maps for rare mobs or for traveling mobs. And for finding those horrible to find Blood Elf bandits. lol.
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