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07-13-07, 08:16 PM   #5
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Honestly I've been using MazzUI for a few months now, and yes it was intimidating a bit at first, and admittedly if i wasn't using a 42" LCD to play... the scale is a bit small for some... but seriously... you have anything and everything you could need at your fingertips... so what if you need to change a keybinding... give me an actionbar addon you know that when you install it probes your brain, lays it out, and binds em for you when you load up... i don't know any... so unless you're using the default UI... you'd have to setup and keybind anyhow...

also the whole mail thing... is to track when you're online... it also tracks all AH info as far as sales and time outs as you play... so at a glance without running back to the mailbox you can go... oh that mail icon means the 48000 light leather i put up last night for 10g a pop didn't sell... and you don't run back to town... the reason it reads 0... you got no mail while logged in...

As far as figuring out... really apart from realizing the few artwork "hotspots" you can click and that the "MazzleUI" logo is actually a button, the whole interface just works out of the box and makes sense... there shouldn't be 2 days of figuring things out... its set up and running after 10 minutes... i'd honestly consider this UI to be a bit on the advanced side functionality wise, but definitely not in use...

And for the record :P I'm not Mazz before anyone throws the flag in... I'm just someone who enjoys using an interface that has honestly changed the game for me to the better..

Also as far as the ZOMG PATCH BROKE MY UI thing... he usually has fixes in the forums same day and a patch released soon that makes it functional... also he's worked on making MazzUI much for WoWAceUpdater friendly... IF YOU READ THE FAQ... so really downtime on Mazz is very few and far between.

Just figured i'd post my experience and 2 cents on the issue
Best comment there.

Funtoo - Plan 9 - Windows 7
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