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08-20-07, 03:19 PM   #1
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 7
Simplifying Kael'thas

My guild is working on Kael'thas, and one part of that fight which is a pain is the looting of the legendary weapons when they die. You're trying to select an item that's laying under four other still-active items and 15 other guildies that are still fighting them. They despawn after only a minute so getting them quickly is vital. I'm looking for ways to simplify that, I have a code editor and I'm not afraid to use it.

Every player needs to

1. Find the corpse of their weapon(s)
2. Open the corpse
3. Loot the corpse
4. Equip

1, 3 & 4 seem possible (/tar Staff, UseContainerItem, /equip Staff). It's #2 I'm wondering if it's possible to do programmatically.
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