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08-04-05, 08:57 AM   #4
Jack's raging bile duct
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 782

I'm looking at providing something in the way of a mesh viewer in the future, what addons where complaining what about missing IM?


I've had to tell people countles times this already but here it goes again:

When I wrote KCET I had to look at how to store bank data and when I decided to include the alt info I also needed a way to store and acces inventory data.

KCET didn't seem like the place for that kinda thing, plus I knew that in the future I may write other addons that would need these types of features. So I broke out all of that part of the project into its own called KC_Items.

Its called Logical Seperation of Code! Which is more efficiant and easier to manage.

Same thing goes to Ace. Ace wasn't even originally developed by me. But whats in it? All the crap code that goes into nearly EVERY project. IT takes care of initialization, chat commands, function hooking, ect. I would practically have to include all the code in ace into both KCET and nearly every module of KCI.

Now if you where refereing to Pinky's EnhancedTradeskills? The code in his is way bloated, and also caused more conflicts with other programs. If you just compare KB size of whats required by KCET to run you'll find that my code is smaller even if there are three folders to which it resides.

As far as your other concern goes.

If you don't want the increased functionality provided by the full KCI project, then all you need to install is the KCET zip file, although you will need to update Ace seperately.

2)I would also like to reiterate that KCI is still in a rapid growth state. Its released primarly as a feedback gatherer and bug finder. Many more things are coming, including keybindings, guis, and minimap buttons.

I'm not saying any of this in a chide or fussing at you, and I hope its not being taken as such. I'm just trying to explain.
__________________ & Adminstrator
Developer of Ace3, OneBag3, and many other addons and libraries
Project lead and Mac developer for the Curse Client

Anyone that needs what they want
And doesn't want what they need
I want nothing to do with
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