Thread: Decursive
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08-10-05, 04:41 PM   #23
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3
Thank you for the amazing mod - however, could I ask for an expansion for the piority list? The ability to select which target is decrused first is very important but after the first couple of targets that are key to the survival of the raid, i'd like to be able to simple hit a 'pirest' button that would add all remaining priests to the priority list. (same thing for all the other classes.) ie for the luci encounter in MC. I need to have the three tanks (2 for off adds and one the one for the boss) at the top of list with their priests directly underneath and then I'd to be able to hit a button that adds the rest of the priests, then another for paladins etc
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