Thread: Chat Request
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10-14-07, 04:00 PM   #4
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 245
Well, I'm not saying it is necessarily an addon causing the problem;
however, if it is, (and to find out if it is) you should disable all your
addons before logging in, then check to see if it shows up. If so, then
you should enable your addons one-by-one or in small groups to see
which one is the culprit. If not, then there might be another problem,
which could be your WTF files, or something wrong in your WOW files.
If that is the case, you should move your WTF files out of your wow
folder and start fresh to see if it shows up then.

I'll see if I can get some time to take an SS of what it should look like.
Keep in mind, the box only shows up when you mouse over it or when
someone is talking, and it might only show up when you mouse over it
if you are in a chat channel (can't remember right off.)
"For in the plot we find more than just a man, we find the idea of that man, the spirit of that man, and that is what we must never forget." Evey (V)
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