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10-16-07, 03:35 AM   #21
An Aku'mai Servant
Fugainai's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 37
Here's the post from Meio on how to do a full, clean install after the 2.2 patch:

I followed the instructions and had no problems with getting MazzleUI back up and running.

1) Make sure you download the MazzleUI 1.1 patch! It can be found here:
2)Unpack the files into your WoW directory(AFTER you've installed MazzleUI 1.1). PLEASE NOTE that this patch ONLY contains the CHANGED FILES needed to fix some, NOT all of the problems that occured with the addons after the 2.2 patch. This means that you CAN SKIP the parts of having to change bits of the .lua files.
3)Follow the directions for WAU (WoWAceUpdater), with this change to the procedure:
Go to Edit->Mark Installed Addons (or hit F4), INSTEAD of Update/Install All Marked Addons, which will select all installed addons. Then scroll down and UNCHECK the entries for AutoBar and AutoBar Config. I've been reading about people having issues with the newest version of AutoBar and MazzleUI. Unchecking these will stop you from having the same problems.

Now, go to File->Update/Install All Marked Addons WITHOUT Externals, and let WAU run until it goes back to the main list of installed addons.

For the last part of WAU, do the following (pulled straight from Meios' guide linked up at the top):
Once that is finished I select the following packages:

* Cartographer
* oRA2
* Prat
* Cartographer_(Fishing through Vendors)
* Everything that starts with "FuBar"
* WitchHunt

Then click on File and choose "Install/Update all Marked Addons With Externals". This will run for another moment and then stop. You can close WAU at this point.

Now finish out the rest of Meios' installation instructions and things SHOULD work! Hope this helps out.
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