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08-13-08, 12:29 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Ackis View Post
On a slightly related note, a couple questions about licenses.

If you have license A and then switch to license B, are previous revisions of the work covered under license B? (ie: switch from MIT to All Rights Reserved)

And what about forums? If an addon is hosted on a forum without permission, are you able do request it be removed as well? What if it's in a "private" section of the forum? Can you go as far of requesting that it be removed from the individuals computers as well?
I assume you are referring to TomTom, which was previously New BSD and was later changed to all rights reserved. In this case, I own the sole copyright of the code in question, which the exception of the crazy arrow craphic, and the bundled libraries. The bundled libraries don't change my licensing requirement because I haven't changed them and the source is fully available for my code. However, due to the issues I was having with everyone and their brother posting my addons on Curse I went with a more restricive license.

Licensing and Copyright are completely different, however and that is what gives me the ability to file a DMCA takedown notification. On their addons page, and on each project page beneath they claim copyright (through a footer at the bottom of the page) on each addon posted on that site. Coupled with the fact that "Bagelz" is the "owner" of each addon, and you have someone who is actively trying to take credit for my copyright, which is pretty much a no-no regardless of license.

Licensing is a very sketchy game, but with the issues I have with two of my addons in particular, I've taken the steps that I needd to.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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