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03-18-07, 10:28 AM   #5
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 126
No we didn't wall walk to the Gnome Airport, if I can remember correctly, this was a year ago. As you come to the tunnel from LocModan heading to the Wetlands on the left side is a big tree? Thats where you start, the trip does involve some creative walking, jumping and just plain trying what looks good. I guess I need to look up my pics I kept on CD, see if I can find the map screen shots I did, I hope. If anyone is really interested, though I am not sure how to post them or if posting is appropriate.

Its pretty amazing to be on top of Iron Forge entrance towers and just past Iron Forge are some lvl 55 Alliance npc's, forget the titles. Also you can make your way down the the cave of trolls you see when flying back to Iron Forge from the Wetlands. There's also a grave and flag on top of one hilltop. There are several spots like this, I'd guess these spots were for quests and were never implemented.

Guess I am funny this way but I wish Blizzard would make more areas available like these, just to find and explore. Shoot they don't have to be quest or exp related as far as I am concerned.

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