Thread: wonder if ?
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02-01-09, 02:47 AM   #3
A Frostmaul Preserver
khurzog's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 266
i've been looking for something like this FOREVER! there's a mod called elephant who's framework would be perfect for a chat replacement but it only functions as a chat log. i used fane and tenmetsu before but they didn't play nice with chatter or other chat mods i've previously used. what i think would be great if WIM style tabbing could be applied to chat. i also posted last week about the idea of getting "system junk" and stuff like exp/skill/loot etc (stuff that isn't chat) out of the standard chat frames, but still accessible. my idea was a data broker icon which would drop down with that special chat frame. another interesting mod you might play around with is dock. i was a bit overwhelmed setting it up, but i loved the idea. anyways right now i'm content with how i have it, using 4 separate windows and Chicchai to make them really small when not moused over. Chicchai was almost exactly what i was looking for, except for wanting to have enlarged text with the bigger window. that i can live with out. but i really think there needs to be a better chat mod that focuses on tabs and organization. stuff like chatter/prat/phanxchat is all great, but nothing ever improves the functionality of blizzs fail chat tabs
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