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07-13-10, 03:18 PM   #5
Non-Canadian Luzer!
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 350
Stirring slowly and heavily, opens a slight of an eye to look at the alarm clock and grumpily decides on another 30 minutes of blessed slumber. Reaching to slap the snooze button for yet another time, a groggy miscalculation finds it tumbling out of bed to land in an ungainly mass on the floor covered only in a sheet. Dignity lost along with sleep, it decides to get up, toss on a pair of shorts, open the door, and let in all the squealing little kids clawing at the door.

Our earstwhile hero, clicking on the pretty yellow button and steeling himself again for rejection finds an unfamiliar screen. Staring at it for a moment, his eyes snap open and he lunges for the keyboard. "Email address, email address...omgomgomg what is my email address?!" spins the author's mind for a moment before finding traction and trying to type to many letters at once.

Email address! Password! gimebetagimebetagimebeta wha?? OH, authenticator! Ok, now type in the authenticator correctly!

Click: download beta! /happydance

Clickety click click click-click: copy char, copy char, copy char!


Click on Hello? I...I did download that, right?

Click to download downloader. Watches downloader download like an owl watching a mouse. Ah ha! Downloader!!! Mouse over cli... *poof* goes the downloader like rogue with 3 hitpoints.

Our author hears a tap-tap on the screen. Looking to the other side he sees a waving hand that points to a little window. Ah, the faithful virus scanner, protecting our author from the evil villains of the 'net. Ah, such a good old friend, what have you saved me from today?

"I detected a virus in that file. JOO NO CAN HAZ!" says the virus scanner before slamming the door.

A slight quiver of of bottom lip is all the movement in the room for some moments. Then, every so slowly, a soft pawing motion of fingers upon the screen punctuated by a wimper. "Noooo...mine....bring it back..."

A sob.


Oh yeah... It's beta-time alright. The pain has begun...