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09-10-09, 11:38 AM   #17
A Cobalt Mageweaver
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 232
Originally Posted by us2006027321 View Post
If the majority of the player base stays this way after Cataclysm has come out and "simplified" the stats for the people who don't want to do their homework and still want to act like elitists, I'm quitting. I'm so tired of doing the research and time to be good at my class only to have a game full of baddies keep me from getting anywhere in the end content.
WoW has ALWAYS been like this though.. well, at least since TBC. I don't recall much elitism in Classic, but then, then content wasn't that difficult and there were no "Heroics" or anything. If you could follow directions on a tribute run, you were in. (For Raids, it was pretty simple: run MC until you collect that tier set, then run BWL until you collect that tier set. If you were a Druid, you wanted 8/8 Cenarion, period. The fact that you'd rather play feral was besides the point. :-p )

Here's what I would recommend - but you'd be losing your time investment so far.

1. Wait for a brand new reroll server to be opened up. No transfers allowed on this server.
2. Roll on it.
3. Work on that character exclusively. Try to stay ahead of the curve.

In this way..
- There isn't much room for "elitism", because nobody is much better off than anyone else.
- Even if they want to get "elite" on you, you should be able to be in the top 10-20 for your class on that server if you focus on it.
- If you level with a fresh server, you should wind up with lots of friends / new guild / etc. and have less dependence on pugging.

But then, you lose what you've done already, so.. /shrug.
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