Thread: TBC UI Changes
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10-08-06, 04:15 AM   #24
JIM the Inventor
A Cyclonian
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All Legitimate Points

Before I say anything else, I'd like to support all the points made here - even the ones that contest mine - as reasonable. There is however a background rumbling of "Lern2Play" that I don't particularly care for. To those expressing that point: Shame on you.

Of course, this issue pivots around what is "fun", and what is "balanced". I think most of us can believe that the matters Blizzard bring under consideration are put into contexts both informed and well-intentioned.

Allow me to suggest that the problem occurs - and will always occur - solely at the hands of those that are not well-intentioned, NOT considerate of balanced play. As some have already stated, these are the people that use [Decursive: replace with any AddOn you like that is applicable] to tip the scales in their favor, and the rest of us be damned.

Let me emphasize, too, that modifying the program may discourage these people, but it will not eliminate them. They will come back, and by inventive or underhanded means, they will modify the game as they see fit. Blizzard does an amazing job eliminating the accounts of such folk, but they can only do so much.

Look at a game as a microcosm that imitates life. The people that succeed over you may do so because they are criminal, inventive, or a combination of both. To stop the inventive ness of criminals, would you call for the banning of invention? (Yes, I ask a lot of rhetorical questions.)

Now we have seen positive steps in the removal of distance and angle checking functions, so ultimately, the next steps may not be so bad - as Belladonna said, people will adjust. On the other hand, it is possible for too much lockdown to kill the fun in a game, as wmrojer aptly reminded us.


If the worst of the imbalance occurs in PvP, official programming can deal with that. Blizzard, make the changes that you are suggesting, but put them in effect when the PvP flag is on, or a certain PvP zone is entered only. Is that not reasonable?

I do ask that non-rhetorically.
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