Thread: Anyone alive?
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09-16-22, 06:32 PM   #6
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 16
Well as expected 10.0 broke quite a lot of things in VFL/RDX.

I did spent a few hours in order to get everything to a "very unstable but somewhat useable state", but there are hooks done by VFL that are bugged and that I have no clue how to debug/fix, and the whole frame pools got really messed up by the fact that Blizzard is now forbidding to call quite a lot of functions with "nil" values (and so the framepool can't really correctly reset frames anymore, or at least I wasn't able to figure how ...)

Given the state of the mess I have right now I think I'll finally have to consider switching to something else for my interface. If someone wants to dig deep in VFL code and is interested in fixing everything I would be quite happy to help him, but otherwise I think I'll have to call it for me using this otherwise great addon, after more than 12years using it.

Thanks again to everyone (mostly Siggs though ^^) who maintained it until legion.

Bethan (@Ysondre-EU)
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