Thread: Carbonite 5.0
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09-12-12, 08:50 AM   #73
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 134
Originally Posted by yodawhip View Post
If u don't want to maintain Carbonite, then pass the torch. The concept of destroying something that you can't have is antiquated & counter-intuitive.
Same as the concept of "If you have a problem with the way it works, go create your own" or "Don't beat up on the people that are giving you free things that you use or you may just never see them again.".

They have no need to pass the torch, they are not destroying their creation, they may be slower than some of the community wants - but you will never please everyone. In addition, if they were to let Carbonite wither away does not mean they are destroying it, they are letting it run its life cycle without extending it by giving it to others. If I remember correctly, I saw a post of over 5,000 man hours going into this addon - who wants to give up 2.5+ working years of their life to someone else to just take over?

Anyone (ie: Rythal, should he follow through) looking to "pick up the torch and run with it" needs to create their own add on from scratch and maintain it (there is no second guessing if you missed something that way too). When someone actually creates something better than Carbonite, people will flock to it and Carbonite will go off into a memory. As a follow up, I feel bad for anyone looking to take that torch, god forbid they get sick a day or two and come back to 20-30 threads with many posts flaming them for being slow to update and filled with bug reports as Carbonite has. May they have thick skin, for they will need it.