Thread: WOD/Pre-patch
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11-06-14, 08:30 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by Eternal_Lynx View Post
Now the problem is, as far as I can see, the code on github, lack the funtional parts to check continent data of zones(BGs are former begins with number 9 but now it varies), I patched one of them and it works fine but still have much to do such as the "Minimap Blocks" and map "MID"s and so on. All funtions related to zone-continent things need to be rewritten.
And that's why it's been driving me nuts.. in the testing last night I am not doing any continent detection.. if it realizes it's in a BG, it's forcing it to look up the information from continent 90 (and in MapData continent 9 is moved to 90, just so this doesn't come up again in 2-3 years when we are on expansion 9 lol) but the maps not drawing

So I'm missing something somewhere that it's not grabbing or setting the proper continent.