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04-21-09, 09:43 PM   #11
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 12
Originally Posted by aggiescott View Post
Yes, that begs the questions, what are the reasons the carbonite authors want to avoid wowmatrix? That's the reason for this thread, so that the authors can spell out what they are trying to avoid. The current situation is, wowmatrix still works and continues to update almost all my addons. For the others that it doesn't work with yet, it is prompting me to contact the authors for their permission - hence what I am doing.

What other options are there for users? From posts on other sites no one thinks that the curse and wowui updaters are anywhere close to as good as WowMatrix. Plus, it's my understanding that they won't update all your addons just those available at particular sites. At the end of the day I'm not going to manually update addons after getting use to wowmatrix.... it's a step backwards.

Perhaps I am being used as a tool by wowmatrix in an evil plot..... What more is there that I don't realize?


The only reason they've done something about any problems is because action my wowinterface and curse has forced them too. If they could get away with it they'd still be scamming away, leeching off everyone elses work. Why would the carbonite team or anyone for that matter co-operate with a group who has blantantly been ripping people off? They've proved themselves untrustworthy and will have to live with the consequences. If you don't like it then tough, you're not the one that had been paying the bandwidth cost from their stolen links. If them not adding carbonite to some thiefs app means you dont use it then your loss. You're missing out on a great add-on simply because you refuse to manually update one add-on that can be updated in about 10 seconds.

Last edited by Spectral2k : 04-21-09 at 09:49 PM.