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01-24-10, 07:10 PM   #3
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Posts: 38

mhm, seems I can't find the file you told, or modifying those I found not produce any change.

Inside the HUDLayouts folder I found only "healthPower", Nobars", "NoHUD" and "PlayerTarget". Into "NoHUD" folder there is any {modname}_Cast.;ua file, and modifying all in other folders don't do nothing... or am I trying to modify the wrong part?

here the code part I was going to try to change:

["Casting"] =
anchor =
anchor_pt = "BOTTOM",
relative_to = nUI_HUDLAYOUT_HEALTHPOWER.."Bottom",
relative_pt = "TOP",
xOfs = 0,
yOfs = 130, <---- is this the value I have to change? and of how much about I have to reduce to bring the cast bar a bit lower?

Thanks again for your kindly help and sorry for my bad knowledge on coding