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11-19-09, 09:40 PM   #20
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 277
The AddOn community is Blizzard's real development team. Blizzard's "official" development team is too busy recoloring mounts/reworking daily quests/inserting stupid new pets/micromanaging talents. I don't care who did what first, or where, or to what depth something was implemented first. We all know that all of these games borrow from each other and will continue doing so. We also know the one who combines things in such a way that it appeals to the largest group of nerds usually wins the "flavor of the month". Who really cares which of them did it first? If they aren't borrowing from each other, they are stealing from pop culture or some other nonsense.

This brings me to my final point...the most original and creative game ever...


A bishop, no matter how much fanboy crying is done, can only move a certain way. It doesn't matter that the queen is overpowered or that the pawns are worse than leveling a holy priest. *That* is true genius.

Eh, you get my drift.
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