Thread: Dungeon IDs
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04-15-16, 01:29 PM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 13
Dungeon IDs

A guildy asked me about adding a reporting function for LFR lockouts to my addon. Problem is LFR isnt in the /raidinfo tables so I've been searching for an alternative.

I found GetLFGDungeonEncounterInfo() which seems to work, however blizzard doesn't seem to have held to it's API conventions for this command. the dungeon ID's for Hellfire LFR should be 982-986 if I have that correct, however, rather than the bosses in each encounter being 1-3 like in previous expansions I think the numbers are 1-13 for all bosses i.e Archi is (986, 13) rather than (986,1).

However, if I run GetLFGDungeonNumEncounters() for each of these LFR dungeon ID's it returns that I've completed them all, which I haven't.

tl;dr For Highmaul, Blackrock, and Hellfire LFRs, how can I return the name of the section of the LFR, and whether they have been completed

Some code I ran to get my information: (I'm sure there's a more concise way to write these, feel free to correct them :P)

Check if LFR's were complete
/run for i = 1,5 do local t = {982,983,984,985,986} print(GetLFGDungeonNumEncounters(t[1])) end
Print out what bosses in hellfire had been completed
/run for i= 1,13 do local t = {982,982,982,983,983,983,984,984,984,985,985,985,986}; local n,_,l = GetLFGDungeonEncounterInfo(t[i], i) print(n,l and "\124cff00ff00Completed" or "\124cffff0000Not Completed") end
-Note: Fel Lord and Soc were the wrong ones for me for this.
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