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10-15-17, 01:44 PM   #14
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 19
I've a question regarding the Travis CI part:

I already have a simple travis.yml (based on, all it does is run luacheck to catch any syntax errors if I forgot to run my offline build tools (which should be done automatically, but I haven't gotten around to that yet).

Can I just add the relevant parts to it without adding the "language: c" part, or must I add it for this script to work? Will it interfere with the execution if I do add it? Basically, I would want to combine the two to run the syntax check first and then deploy the file.

Also, for the regular expression:

My tags are usually named rXX-(alpha|beta)?(-YY), such as r21-beta-3 or r25-alpha or simply r27/r27-2/etc. (a release version). This was mostly so that Curse can detect the alpha/beta/release state properly, as I'm using their API via GitHub webhooks.

The packager script apparently would consider all of them beta, and worse still, package untagged commits as alpha versions when they aren't ready for deployment at all. Now, I think the branches option would filter out the untagged commits, but how do I have the script package as alpha/beta/release correctly without forking/modifying it or changing my versioning scheme? Maybe Travis could detect them and rename it before calling the script?
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