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08-14-21, 01:34 AM   #1
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
rulezyx's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 106
Portrait(Border) Target/Focus


so I noticed that some portraits look a bit off since they dont have real borders.

They are just cut circles and it can look weird for some previews like in this example.

So I want to create borders around them like this.

I tried to set up a black border around the target/focus portraits but I have issues with the frame layers.

If I choose low strata it will hide behind the portrait and with anything higher it will stay infront but also infront of the Target/Focus-TextureFrame:

like Here.

WeakAuras doesn't seem to be a good solution for this so I would need some help with lua.

Is it possible to do something like this so the border just sticks/anchored on the portrait without moving infront (other frames) or behind it (portrait)?

some scuffed example:
local function SetPortraitTexture (portrait, unit)
	if UnitIsUnit (unit, 'target' 'focus') and portrait then
Any help is much appreciated.
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