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02-16-08, 11:59 AM   #3
An Onyxian Warder
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Originally Posted by Thrae View Post
Vista Only
However, we can do better! You see, AMD and Intel have both implemented a way to underclock their processors. Vista uses this to save you energy and therefore $$$ when the system is mostly idle. However, leaving Vista to decide when is a good time to put your CPU up to 100% power doesn't work as well for games. Let's open up a command prompt.

- Press Windows Key + R to get the run box, then type in "cmd".
- Type in powercfg /L > powercfg.txt
- Type in notepad powercfg.txt

- Note the power configurations. The one you are currently on has an * next to it. You want to find the "High Performance" or "Max Performance" out of the list, and the one that is currently set to. Example:
Ok, I'm good up until the "Type in powercfg /L > powercfg.txt" part.

I've tried typing this in a few different ways and keep coming up with an error in the cmd window that says it does not recognize the command given.

Does the command prompt need to be at a certain point, or am I just missunderstanding what I'm supposed to by typing in the cmd prompt?

Could you clarify what to type exactly in quotes to eliminate my confusion, please? I would appreciate it.

Sorry to be a bit of a dunce, but I think I would benefit from what you've described here.

Thank you.
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