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11-13-10, 02:00 AM   #36
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by MoonWitch View Post
Ok, I've been constantly trying... I've tried with XML, without, with SecureAuraHeader, with SecureActionButton .. quite frankly - my "solution" worked fine for Seerah she told me, but somehow - it doesn't work for me >.<

I can only disable first most left and most right buff. So could someone be kind and help me understand a bit more?

Code is at
As far as I understand SecureAuraHeaderTemplate the following is wrong:
  1. When you use :SetScript("OnEvent", ...) on "addon", you overite the SecureAuraHeader Event-Handler, so removing its functionallity. Rather use :HookScript().
  2. You don't need to register "UNIT_AURA" on "addon", since Blizzard does that for you.
  3. It's not "addon" that needs :EnableMouse() and :SetScript("OnEnter/OnLeave") you need to do this for every buff frame
  4. (I'm not sure on this) It seems like you want to use the default Blizzard Buff Frames, I don't know if thats possible, rather create your own (You already have in your .xml but you don't use them).
  5. You miss a bunch of :SetAttribute() calls. As far as i remember there are atleast 3 or so needed to display any buffs in any way. You can get all the attribute names at line 614.
  6. Once your BuffCount and DebuffCount reach BUFF_MAX_DISPLAY/DEBUFF_MAX_DISPLAY you unregister UNIT_AURA resulting in that Buffs are no longer updated

If you have any problems I recommend taking a look into nivBuffs it's very clean code and it's working.
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