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07-03-07, 05:54 PM   #37
A Scalebane Royal Guard
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 449
Originally Posted by sphinxatl
One sugguestion I could make would be to add a 'macro' bar that would consist of 4-5 buttons that you would drag down your favorite macros to but would be pre-bound to say num keypad 5-9, and 5-9 or something thereabouts. I know you can do this today manually by adding buttons and squeezing them in, but to have a preset space on the layout would be very helpful for all classes.
Some layouts include this, other layouts simply do not have room for such a thing. Need to remember that the smaller aspect ratios have a harder time fitting all the bars and buttons within the space allotted.

The best thing I can recommend is what you already said, manually adding these on your own. Basically, if a layout has room for a macro bar, it already has one. I don't play all of the classes, so I don't know this for sure. If you can give me a layout that has room for it, but doesn't have a macro bar... I can look into it for you.
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