Thread: UI size
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06-24-09, 11:15 PM   #9
A Cyclonian
eaglepgc's Avatar
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 40
I also had an issue with the size when I first used NUI. I play on on a 19" monitor at home, and a 15.5 wide when I'm on the road. My main problem I think was that before I used NUI, I used Bartender4 and made my main bar big. So the smaller size was a huge change for me. But after a few days and raiding with NUI, I realized (as a "clicker") that I didn't have to move my mouse so far to the next button (and/or portrait on the rare occasion that I heal). Now that I've gotten used to it, I love it. So I say, give it a few days. :-)